I had meant to post this blog a few weeks ago but I've been too busy to do anything. Today I had a bit of time so I figured better late than never. I just wanted to give a shout out and some props to my good friend Meany-Quin over at Threesixty5 for completing his first year of his self-portrait project. Before any one says it yes he does know that it's not an original idea and many people before him have done similar projects. He even has a few links to other people who have done self-portrait projects. The most notable of them are Noah K Everyday and c71123. In fact, if you go onto YouTube and search videos by typing self-portrait everyday or some combination of those words. You'll get a whole list of similar projects. But that shouldn't take away from Meany-Quinn's dedication of completing his first year(I wouldn't of lasted that long) of what hopefully will be a long self-portrait project. Now like I said earlier go give him some props!
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