Friday, February 29

The Daily Photo: February 29th

Thirds, Feb. 29th
Thirds, Feb, 29th
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Thursday, February 28

The Daily Photo: February 28th

Eat Fresh, Feb. 28th
Eat Fresh, Feb. 28th
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Wednesday, February 27

The Daily Photo: February 27th

In the Clear, Feb. 27th
In the Clear, Feb. 27th
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Tuesday, February 26

The Daily Photo: February 26th

Orbit, Feb. 26th
Orbit, Feb. 26th
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Monday, February 25

The Daily Photo: February 25th

Twilight, Feb. 25th
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Sunday, February 24

The Daily Photo: February 24th

Long Distance Calling, Feb. 24th
Long Distance Calling, Feb. 24th
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Saturday, February 23

The Daily Photo: February 23rd

Just in Time, Feb. 23rd
Just in Time, Feb. 23rd
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Friday, February 22

The Daily Photo: February 22nd

Finally!!!, Feb. 22nd
Finally!!!, Feb. 22nd

We've finally had some substantial snow fall. Although, it ended up raining later on in the day and now we just have a dirty slushy mess.
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Thursday, February 21

The Daily Photo: February 21st

On the Waterfront, Feb. 21st
On the Waterfront, Feb. 21st
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Wednesday, February 20

The Daily Photo: February 20th

Coffee Time, Feb. 20th
Coffee Time, Feb. 20th
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Tuesday, February 19

The Daily Photo: February 19th

Frame, Feb. 19th
Frame, Feb. 19th
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Monday, February 18

The Daily Photo: February 18th

Gravitational Pull, Feb. 18th
Gravitational Pull, Feb. 18th
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Sunday, February 17

The Daily Photo: February 17th

Corner, Feb. 17th
Corner, Feb. 17th
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Saturday, February 16

The Daily Photo: February 16th

Here's the last of my trash portraits.

Trash Portrait #6, Feb. 16th
Trash Portrait #6, Feb. 16th
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Friday, February 15

The Daily Photo: February 15th

Trash Portrait #5, Feb. 15th
Trash Portrait #5, Feb. 15th
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Thursday, February 14

The Daily Photo: February 14th

Trash Portrait #4, Feb. 14th
Trash Portrait #4, Feb. 14th
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Wednesday, February 13

The Daily Photo" February 13th

Trash Portrait #3, Feb. 13th
Trash Portrait #3, Feb. 13th
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