Wednesday, July 5

The Ringer

The other day I was in the mood for a stupid gross out comedy so, I figured I'd rent The Ringer featuring Johnny Knoxville, the star of the now cancelled MTV show Jackass. I was pleasantly surprised to find out that this movie wasn't the stupid gross out comedy that I was expecting. Yes it was a comedy about a guy acting like he's mental challenged in order to participate in a fix the Special Olympics, but it was a comedy with heart, filled with cute little laughs and a message of don't judge a book by its cover. Who would of thought that the star of a show called Jackass could do a comedy with heart. This is a movie that the whole family can enjoy. So, if your not sure what movie to watch with the kids on Saturday night, why don't you give The Ringer a try, you just might be pleasantly surprised.

Also be on the look out latter on today for a new episode of The Ordinary Adventures of Tomas!

1 comment:

Jodi said...

hey mike...
have you seen "nacho libre" yet?
my teens tell me it's hilarious, but they insist i wouldn't like it because "it's not your kind of movie, mom".

visit my blogger blog, please.
jodi (from benrik)